Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days of W.I.C. Day 12 : The Saint John's Bible and Craft Intimacy

Craft Intimacy: "close interactions around  shared problems and a sense of commonality"
(Cultivating Communities of Practice, Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder)

I wish you could see this Bible in person. Even if you aren't a Christian, the art is stunning. The scope is staggering. The materials mesmerizing. Gold, vellum, strokes of vibrant color. The wonder of 41 years of effort, design, and workmanship. The first project of its kind in five hundred years. Multiple Monks working together - and separately-to achieve this common goal: an illuminated Bible in English.  

Genesis 1- The Days of Creation
 Different Monks completed each section, set, or page. Yet there are agreed upon elements- the gold, for instance- that show up in each work. There are common values demonstrated: excellence, Faith, dedication. There is a common desire to create.  This is a shining example of craft intimacy. Each page flows to the next. It is clear that separate artists are at work, yet there is harmony in the expression. There must be community with freedom, clear expression of goals, collaboration for problem solving, and a product in order to achieve craft intimacy. The Saint John's Bible demonstrates this in the most excellent way.

Pictured here : One of the Monks who worked on the project. The Bible is 2x3 feet when open.

When collaborating with others, aim for craft intimacy. You'll strengthen your work and your resolve.
As the Good Book says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor." Ecclesiastes 4:9


Dixie McLeod said...

love the term "craft intimacy"...and having had the privilege of EXPERIENCING this exhibit..."crafting" what a lovely verb...when describing intimacy in our varied and multiple relationships....what a lovely verb when describing God's desire to be in relationship with us....

Karise said...

It is a great phrase, isn't it? Seeingitin person is just... astounding! Glad we saw it together!